Aitänna77, Night Loops [Test Tube – tube246, 2012]

Aitänna77 is far from being a stranger here at resurface and it’s lovely to once again encounter his musical output. This time around on the (by the look of things unstoppable) Portuguese Test Tube net label, currently racking up 247 something releases the past 8 years or so. ‘Night Loops’ is number 246 and it… Continue reading Aitänna77, Night Loops [Test Tube – tube246, 2012]

Aitänna77, Tiny Structures Vol.1 [October Man Recordings – OCTOBER MAN 9, 2006]

“Tiny Structures Vol.1” is October Man Recordings’ Aitänna’s latest release, hailing from Spain he does the honours on October Man’s ninth release. The EP contains five tracks “1980”, “Bruno’s Piano”, “Waiting For a Happy-Ending”, “Poor Muchette” and “Carnival of Souls”. This release is similar to the previous Aitänna77 offerings and Aitänna77 once again demonstrates that… Continue reading Aitänna77, Tiny Structures Vol.1 [October Man Recordings – OCTOBER MAN 9, 2006]

Aitänna77, Ed Wood Wall of Sound (2005) [October Man Recordings – OCTOBER MAN 4, 2005]

“Ed Wood Wall of Sound (2005)” is October Man Recordings’ newcomer Aitänna77’s latest release, hailing from Spain he does the honours on October Man’s fourth release. The EP contains four tracks “Adiòs Cousteau”, “You Left (Le Monde Sand Soleil)”, “Instrucciones Para Una Vida Mejor” and “Diptongo”. This release is quite different from the previous October… Continue reading Aitänna77, Ed Wood Wall of Sound (2005) [October Man Recordings – OCTOBER MAN 4, 2005]